Small Business Support Program

A holistic small business support program that combines business and design assistance to promote commercial vibrancy and local economic development.

The Small Business Support Program was designed by our team in partnership with Council District 15 to serve as a local, on-the-ground effort deployed over nine months in 2016.

The program aimed to strengthen the historic heart of Wilmington and promote economic development with two key strategies; Provide small business owners with technical assistance to help improve business operations, design storefront make-overs to attract new customers and create a strong sense of place.

This holistic effort helped build the economic viability and sustainability of local businesses in Wilmington.

Over 60 businesses were canvassed, nearly a dozen participated in the program, with five businesses receiving design services that transformed the way the Wilmington community interacts with Avalon Boulevard.

The program aimed to strengthen the historic heart of Wilmington and promote economic development with two key strategies:

  1. Provide small business owners with technical assistance to help improve business operations.

  2. Design storefront make-overs to attract new customers and create a strong sense of place.

Project Partners: Council District 15.